A starting point, serving as a basis for the speech energetic theory, was a new theoretical principle of utterance emotional-and-pragmatic potential, which Alla A. Kalyta formulated and published in 2003 (see Kalyta 2003: 7-13; Kalyta 2003: 12; Kalyta 2007: 8-9, 46-61]).

   The keynote of this principle is that the emotional-and-pragmatic potential of any utterance remains unchangeable and is characterized by a stochastic redistribution of its energy among the means of different language levels and extra-linguistic means, involved in the utterance realization.

   It has also been emphasized that the accumulation, change and redistribution of the emotional-and-pragmatic potential represents a specific form of a psychophysiological energy, functioning in the individual’s spiritual sphere, whose nature reflects a complex interrelationship between cognitive processes occurring in his/her psychic sphere during speaking-and-thinking and thinking-and-speaking activities.

   The outlined logical framework of a brand new interdisciplinary concept, being a complex intelligible system, naturally called for further development of a definite system of views (i.e. speech energetic theory) aimed at nontraditional in linguistics understanding of energetic regularities of psychophysiological processes of an individual’s speaking-and-thinking and thinking-and-speaking activities in terms of their direct relations with cognitive processes occurring in the communicants’ psychic sphere.